Welcome to New York (aka Family Palooza)

Hi everyone! Jordan and I just returned from a rather epic trip and have lots to share with you. The trip was so action packed that it has taken me several days to fully wrap my mind around this particular post. I considered breaking it up into a part 1 and part 2 post but decided against it. Here we go... The last several months my family (on my Dad's side) has been planning a family reunion to celebrate my Grandpa's 90th birthday! Ya'll, my family has a Google Doc and everything to stay organized. You might think that's nerdy but it was actually really helpful. After much preparation and planning, Jordan and I packed up and flew to Buffalo, NY! Our trip was full of interesting details so I'm going to do my best to share as much about the trip as possible without boring you. Despite my best efforts to trim down the pictures, I have exactly 100 pictures to show you! I should begin with the Thursday before we left. Jor...