Whiplash Weather

Hi Everyone! I thought it was time to check in to share a few pictures from the last few eventful weeks. It's been interesting adjusting to the ever-changing Texas weather. A couple weekends ago, the weather was so warm that it felt like Spring was almost here! Our trees and plants actually have fresh little buds on them! We decided to take the evening to lounge in the backyard visiting and smelling the warm air. This was such an enjoyable Sunday evening! I couldn't have asked for a more pleasant night! Jordan played Abby's favorite chasing game tried to catch her as she ran around the backyard. It was hard to get a picture with Abby in focus! The following work week went well. My new job is really great! In fact, I'm enjoying it so much that I keep waiting for the bottom to fall out. Like I'm waiting for my workload to slam me or something. I guess I'm in a denial phase but hopefully it continue...