Baby, It's Warm Outside

Hello everyone! It's been a full month since I've written a post. It was not intended but I think I just needed a little hiatus to catch up with life! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and is enjoying the holiday season! Even though the holidays are upon us and everyone is buzzing with end of year activity, it just doesn't quite seem like holiday season without cold weather. I'm sure I'll eat my words but baby, it's NOT cold outside! It's actually been rather warm the last few weeks in the Dallas area which is strange since I remember snowy Thanksgivings (at least a few)! Okay, let me get right into pictures and catching up... This Thanksgiving Jordan and I went to my parents house and enjoyed a lovely meal! There's nothing like a Thanksgiving cooked by mom, am I right? The food was A-mazing and it was really great to spend some time with my parents. The only bummer is that Scott and Elizabeth couldn't join us. ...